
Thursday 30 May 2013

DIÁLOGO JUVENIL EM CAPE TOWN. Sábado, 1 de Junho 2013

A direcção do Conselho da Juventude Angolana na África do Sul, vem por este meio convocar a Comunidade Angolana Juvenil em Cape Town para o diálogo com os Jovens da Comunidade Angolana residentes em Cape Town

Data: Sábado, 1 de Junho 2013
Horas: 11h00 As 12h30
Local: The Tulip Hotel Cape Town South Africa


O dialogo será presidido pela, A Sua Excia. Sr. Apolinário José Pereira Cônsul Geral Da Republica De Angola Em Cape Town e o Sr. Edilson Moisés Manuel Matioma Presidente do Conselho da Juventude Angolana na África do Sul

CJA - Conselho da Juventude Angolana na África do Sul.
Participação, Associativismo e Desenvolvimento
+27785544552 | Bbm: 28573bd5

Event link:

Sunday 26 May 2013

Morto engravida mulher no necrotério

Uma mulher de 38 anos, que trabalha em um necrotério, foi presa e condenada a pagar uma fiança de 250.000 dólares depois “abusar” de um cadáver de um homem. O suposto crime ocorreu em um necrotério de Lexington em Missouri, Estados Unidos. A polícia acusou Felicity Marmaduke de necrofilia. De acordo com as autoridades competentes, um morto sofreu uma ereção pós morte enquanto era banhado pela funcionária do necrotério Marmaduke. A mulher então, aproveitou que estava sozinha e passou ter relações sexuais com o morto. Para sua grande surpresa, o morto chegou ao orgasmo depois de alguns minutos de sexo. Algumas semanas mais tarde, ao fazer um exame médico de rotina, foi constatada a gravidez da mulher. A polícia foi notificada pelo médico depois que Marmaduke contou para ele as circunstâncias que a levaram à concepção. Em uma reviravolta bizarra, Marmaduke pretende agora processar os herdeiros do homem morto para tentar conseguir uma pensão alimentícia e apoio à criança

Good morning Dear friends, feel free to follow Dj Lau on twitter: @djlaucpt

A good morning message is like a hug, an inspiration and the motivation to get out of bed and embrace a new day. This post is a joyful bundle of warm wishes, motivational morning quotes and poems that are a perfect complement to a beautiful morning. Use them as Facebook Updates, SMS forwards, tweets, text messages or even as a brand new pin on your pinboard. Have fun spreading the love to your friends, classmates, colleagues, boyfriend, girlfriend and partners to wake them up with a lovely smile.

1) I wish you good morning and offer you a cocktail called TODAY. It has a shot of fun, a dash of hard work, a pinch of love, a tablespoon of good luck and a slice ofhumor – All mixed up in a lovely glass called life. Cheers.

2) Don't let yesterday affect today, and treat today as your stepping stone to tomorrow. Have a great day.

3) The most beautiful thing about this morning is you. xoxo

4) Rolling in the bed, immersing in a hot tub, getting a massage, eating breakfast in bed – you can't do any of this today because it is Monday. Good morning.

Saturday 25 May 2013


Africa Day is the annual commemoration on May 25 of the 1963 founding of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU). On this day, leaders of 30 of the 32 independent African states signed a founding charter in Addis AbabaEthiopia.
 In 1991, the OAU established the African Economic Community, and in 2002 the OAU established its own successor, the African Union. However, the name and date of Africa Day has been retained as a celebration of African unity. 2012's theme of Africa Day is "Africa and the Diaspora." The New York celebration was held in New York City on May 31, 2011. In Nairobi, it was celebrated at Uhuru Park Recreational Park. 

It should also be noted that Africa Day is observed as a public holiday in only five African countries, that is, Ghana , Mali, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe. However, celebrations are held in some African countries, as well as by Africans in the diaspora.

Thursday 23 May 2013

Metro FM squirms over 'explicit' sex talk

Johannesburg - The Touchdown show on Metro FM was pulled from the national radio station's schedule after the drive time show team conducted an interview on Wednesday with erotica writer and sex coach Jade Zwane which was deemed too explicit by management, reports Times Live.

The Touchdown team lead by T-Bo Touch (real name Thabo Molefe), Refiloe Mpakanyane and sports reader Joe Mann reportedly received SMSes from station programming manager Caren Olsen to cut the interview short, as it was getting too "steamy".

Zwane, the author of erotic novel aDICKted, was talking about the importance of masturbation and parents' role in educating their children about sex.

'Not suspended'

"I explained [to listeners] how my talk with my parents from puberty encouraged me to wait," Zwane told Times Live. 

"I didn't feel like I needed to rush into it because I had read books about it, and my mom took me to a gynae before my first sexual experience, which was at 23 years."

Zwane advocates "sexual liberation" for women on her website and offers sexual coaching, advice and workshops.

Metro FM spokesperson Happy Ngidi confirmed that The Touchdown show and its three presenters have been pulled from the schedule, while "internal process" were ongoing.

"They are not suspended, but are just not scheduled, because of the unfortunate interview that was of an explicit nature. It goes against the broadcast policy and our mandate as a station," she said.

DJ Sbu will host the show until the station's investigation into the alleged misconduct is concluded.

Sunday 19 May 2013

'Good luck for your exams', 'Wish you all the best for your test'

I know this exams means a lot to you. I've lit a candle and said a small prayer, just for you, asking for luck to be by your side. Rock your tests. Muah.

After the exams we will party hard @ The Loop

Saturday 18 May 2013


For Concession List R40 b4 12AM. Send it by following the link —

♫ Welcome to Cape Town, come join the party, put on your dancing shoes, Cape Town welcomes you ♫ 
To the city popularly known in South Africa as the Mother City with fabulous parties.